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Learning Coach Center

Over the years, NCCA has built a tight-knit school community that offers quality education to create a well-rounded student experience for those who need or desire alternatives to traditional brick and mortar institutions.

We aim to support students, along with their caretakers and learning coaches, throughout their educational career.  We hope to meet you and your student at our virtual or face to face events throughout the year.  You can also browse our collection of Learning Coach Tips to help you build a strong foundation for your student at home. 

The Role

A Learning Coach is a responsible adult who is at home with a student on a daily basis to monitor their progress and assist them in meeting school requirements.

A Learning Coach is most often a parent, but could be any reliable adult at home with the student during the school day.  

The Learning Coach is more than just a “parent” and will take on a much more involved role than often found in a traditional brick and mortar school.  They are a key piece of a student’s educational team and should have a good understanding of the learning management program, be comfortable with technology to help their student when needed, and have the availability to speak with teachers and school staff on a regular basis to discuss student progress. Click the link below to learn more about Learning Coach expectations.

Learning Coach Time Commitment

Learning From Home

Grades K - 5

3 - 6 hours per day


Grades 6 - 8

2 - 4 hours per day

Private Tutor

Grades 9 - 12

1 - 2 hours per day

What to Expect

Help student create a daily learning plan to complete lessons and attend Live Learning sessions.

Work alongside students to monitor completion of lessons

Read and respond to email and/or phone communication from teachers and/or staff.

Record accurate daily attendance hours

Engage student in discussions about their assignments, projects, or tests

Help student advocate for their academic success

Ensure student attends Live Learning and required supplemental online sessions

Help student work with their teacher to create a plan for missed classes/ assignments

Help student prepare for and attend the required in-person state testing.

Reinforce with student  important work eithcs that are associated with learning in a virtual academic environment 

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