Section 504
Click here to access the NCCA Parent Guide to Section 504 and the NCCA 504 Parent Presentation.
For more information about how Section 504 is implemented at NCCA contact:
Dr. Maggie Bush
District 504 Coordinator
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal civil rights statute that prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities and applies to recipients of federal funds, including public schools. It requires that no qualified student who demonstrates a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be subject to discrimination in any program or activity offered by North Carolina Cyber Academy (NCCA).
When there is reason to suspect that a student has a disability and may be in need of identification under Section 504, a referral should be made. The 504 Referral Form must be filled out and submitted, which will formally initiate the 504 referral process. The 504 Coordinator will contact the individual referring the student and determine next steps.
Accommodations are provided both within the learning management system and through teacher adjustments to the course. All students at NCCA have access to many accommodations that are inherent in the virtual setting. Some of the features included in online courses may include the following, listed to the right.
Some accommodations available in a brick and mortar setting may not be possible to implement in the online environment. Due to the nature of online learning, it may be necessary for a parent/guardian or Learning Coach to provide certain classroom or testing accommodations within their own home setting for their student.
Parents of students with Section 504 plans seeking to enroll in the school are asked to submit a copy of the Section 504 plan during the enrollment and academic placement process. When a student enters the school with a Section 504 plan developed by a prior school, the school will schedule a review of the plan, any supporting documentation, and make adjustments as necessary for the virtual setting to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Click here for the Parent Guide to 504.
504 Coordinators
Janice Harris
504 Coordinator
Grades K -5
(984) 217-4199
Candi Rhinehart
504 Coordinator
Grade 7
(984) 208 - 6682
Simone Griffin
504 Coordinator
Grades K-5
(984) 217-4198
Holly Noel
504 Coordinator
Grade 8
(984) 209-1759
Amber Damiano
504 Coordinator
Grade 6
(984) 203-8348
Ryan Hinkleman
504 Coordinator
MTSS Coordinator
High School
(984) 203-7009